Sometimes too narrow a bond with our pets can lead to contracting a disease. This is known as zoonosis: all diseases can be transmitted from one animal to a person , and vice versa. To prevent this from happening, the first step is to keep up to date vaccination of our animals. Necessary prevention, education, information and regular visits to the vet to check that everything is in place. If we notice any unusual symptoms in our little friends should not be allowed to take them to a professional. We were more relaxed, and if something happens to your pet, may be treated in time.

Examples of zoonoses
There are sectors of the population most at risk of contracting one of these zoonoses, and you have to monitor them more closely. Are children, elderly, people who work continuously surrounded by animals (farmers, ranchers, slaughterhouse staff, vets, etc.). And those who have an immune system that is not in full power. There are over 200 recognized diseases character you can acquire zoonotic humans. Here you have a list of the best known: Hydatid cyst : This infection is spread the worm 'Echinococcus granulosus'. It affects the liver and lungs of those who put in contact with an infected dog. Another way to acquire it by eating vegetables or drinking water that has been contaminated with parasite eggs. To prevent the spread of our animals is essential to follow a course of worming and keep up to date immunization schedule.

Coenurosis : The culprit of this disease is 'Taenia multiceps'. The adult of this parasite can stay in the intestine of the dog. The disease is spread through contamination of human food and animal feces. Also sheep, goats and other grazing animals can transmit this disease.
Toxocariasis : Two different depending on whether worms lodge in the cat ('Toxocara cati') or in the dog ('Toxocara canis'). Infection in humans occurs accidentally, and produce granulomas in various tissues.
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis : The most common reservoir of the virus that causes this infection is benign or mouse Mus musculus common. Other times the guest is a hamster, a guinea pig or a dog. This infection can lead to serious health problems, such as meningitis, or minor, such as flu.
Rabies : One of the major vaccines for our pets, and as we said, prevention is one of the most important. Rabies affects mostly carnivorous mammals. With the infection irritates the central nervous system, to which is followed by paralysis and finally death. It is spread through the bite of a dog, contact between the animal's saliva and blood.

Glanders : This disease is spread by Pseudomonas mallei ', which is hosted on donkeys, mules, horses and others. The more care that must have are the farmers and the people who are dedicated to breeding horses.
Leptospirosis : If the animal vaccine is no danger of contracting the disease. In developed countries the number of affected dogs is practically nil.
Spotted fever : A disease endemic to the Mediterranean countries. The cause is 'Rickettsia conorii', found in ticks. The man can become host to contact a dog infested with ticks, or simply by the bite of a tick that is on the ground. This shows how important a good deworming.
Q Fever : This disease is found worldwide, and cause the bacterium Coxiella burnetii '. His trial is endemic but can occur in outbreaks. The reservoir can be any pet, and farm animals such as cows, sheep or goat.
Cat scratch disease : As its name suggests, the nails of cats may have a bacteria that can get these animals when we scratch. For that, we must take into account the health of our feline.
The fear of toxoplasmosis
This is an infection that has not yet been eradicated, and that causes the intracellular protozoan "Toxoplasma gondila ', a parasite found in cats. Humans can contract the disease by eating undercooked or raw , as they may be infected cat feces or rodent. In this case it is an acquired toxoplasmosis .

Especially pregnant women should be careful with this disease. If you live with a cat and get it in turn can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, resulting in congenital toxoplasmosis . To check if you have toxoplasmosis should be a toxoplasma serology, and although the result is negative, continue to maintain precautions. While acquired toxoplasmosis causes mild symptoms (muscle aches, headache, enlarged lymph nodes, mild fever, etc..) Congenital toxoplasmosis is fatal to the baby. This disease can cause blindness and other permanent damage to the system fetal central nervous (enlarged spleen and liver, or mental retardation). It is therefore essential to perform serology, since catching the symptoms early can start the treatment. Other sectors of the population susceptible to this disease are affected by AIDS or cancer patients who were treated with chemotherapy . Problems that may suffer in organs such as eyes, heart, liver, lung and brain are very dangerous.
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